
A beautiful day at Maheshganj – Balakhana basks in the sunlight
A beautiful day at Maheshganj – Balakhana basks in the sunlight
Flowers in full bloom
Flowers in full bloom

The Cannonball flower
The Cannonball flower
Buddha by the Red Pillars
Buddha by the entrance to the garden
The Thatch
The Thatch
Birds eye view of the front lawn
Birds eye view of the front lawn
A bonfire in December at The Thatch
A bonfire in December at The Thatch
The bird bath
The bird bath
A Grey Langur watches over
A Grey Langur watches over
A pair of Gesse, Balakhana mascots
A pair of Gesse, Balakhana mascots
Krishna - Our family deity
Krishna – Our family deity
A misty winter morning
A misty winter morning
The grand fireplace
The grand fireplace
The dining room
The dining room
The drawing room
The drawing room
Balakhana by night
Balakhana by night
Front lawn
Front lawn
Toad stools in the front lawn
Toad stools in the front lawn

The snooker room
The snooker room

The Snooker table
The Snooker table

Eastern Bedroom
Eastern Bedroom
Western Bedroom
Western Bedroom
Morning on the Driveway
Morning on the Driveway
Sunset on the Jalangi River - a tributary of the Hoogly that runs behind Balakhana
Sunset on the Jalangi River – a tributary of the Hoogly that runs behind Balakhana